Once again,we made a trip to one of our favorite sites, Virginia Hawkins Falls. We decided the day after Thanksgiving was a great day to go for a hike, unfortunately some folks had to work. We did enjoy the company of our youngest hiker, my nephew Charlie, and of course our always motivated
teenager, the beautiful Victoria!
It is great to see such an interest in nature, our environment and quality family time in these young people! They also keep the rest of us on our toes, making sure we keep a steady pace and dawdle along on the trail. My best pup pal Dicey Lou also came along for her first hike with us. She had a blast playing in the creek along the way. The chilly water and cool day didn't phase that little Boykin Spaniel. I am sometimes hesitent to take our furry friends along, not knowing the terrain, and always cognizant of their safety around cliffs and waterfalls, but the Virginia Hawkins trail is very dog friendly. As you see, Dicey thought the day was just for her! 

If you have an interest in hiking and would like to be part of a fun, sometimes crazy group of folks, join us for a hike. While some of the hikes are certainly more challenging than others, we are of all skill levels and ages. We hike for the enjoyment of everyone! See you in the woods!